Review of blood vessels and nerves of the pelvis | Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Skip to main content
3.4.10 Review of blood vessels and nerves of the pelvis


Now, let’s review what we’ve seen of the blood vessels and nerves of the pelvic region.

Here's the internal ilac artery, the superior gluteal, and inferior gluteal arteries, the obturator artery, the ends of the vesical vessels, the middle rectal artery, the start of the pudendal artery, and its further course.

Now the nerves: here's the sacral plexus, and the lumbo-sacral trunk. Here's the pudendal nerve from the inside, and from behind.

Here's the area of the pelvic plexus, here's the hypogastric nerve, the sympathetic trunk, and the pelvic splanchnic nerves.

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