Introduction to abdominal organs | Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Skip to main content
5.2.1 Introduction to abdominal organs


Before watching this section on the abdominal organs, you'll find it helpful to understand the structures that form the walls of the abdominal cavity, and its extension, the pelvic cavity. These musculoskeletal structures are shown in Tape 3 of this atlas.

In this section we'll look first at the organs of the gastro-intestinal tract: the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine. Then we'll look at the liver, the pancreas and the spleen, then at the urinary tract: kidneys, ureters and bladder.

Before we look at any of these organs in detail, we'll take a brief look at the abdominal cavity, and at the membrane that lines it, the peritoneum.

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