Review of arteries and veins of the abdominal organs | Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy Skip to main content
5.2.26 Review of arteries and veins of the abdominal organs


Let's review what we've seen of the blood vessels.

Here's the celiac artery, dividing into the left gastric artery, the splenic artery and the common hepatic artery, which in turn divides into the hepatic artery, and the gastro-duodenal artery.

Here are the arteries that supply the stomach: the outer arcade, supplied by the right gastro-epiploic, and left gastro-epiploic; and the inner arcade supplied by the right gastric, and left gastric.

Here's the superior mesenteric artery, with its branches to the jejuno-ileum, the ileo-colic, right colic, and middle colic arteries. Here's the inferior mesenteric artery, the left colic artery, branches to the sigmoid colon, and the superior rectal artery.

Here's the superior mesenteric vein, the splenic vein, and the portal vein.

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